私隱Privacy | Little Forest
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私隱政策聲明 Privacy Policy Statement





Little Forest Limited(「Little Forest」或「我們」)尊重個人資料私隱。我們與伙伴機構在下文中統稱為「機構」。我們會遵守《個人資料(私隱)條例》(香港特別行政區法例第486章)(「條例」),並致力全面落實條例內所頒佈的保障資料原則。








我們不會主動收集未滿18歲的未成年人的個人資料, 但我們可能會在未成年人使用我們的服務或註冊我們的活動及節目時收集他們的個人資料。未成年人在向我們提供個人資料之前必須獲得其父母或監護人的同意。











通過閣下感興趣的節目及推廣以提升閣下於Little Forest及機構的體驗;


管理Little Forest及機構內的客戶關係;

根據閣下的興趣喜好,在有關支持Little Forest的途徑上與閣下作適當溝通;


根據閣下的習慣、體驗、興趣及喜好, 在我們的網站、流動應用程式、社交媒體平台及其他平台(該些網站、流動應用程式及平台於下文統稱為「我們的平台」)上定制及發送內容、廣告、通知及其他信息;






除以上所述目的(14)及(15)之外,我們可能會從不同渠道收集及綜合/處理閣下的資料,例如線上渠道(網站、流動應用程式、社交媒體平台等) 、離線渠道 (申請表格等) 、或有關閣下的公開資料。我們會用這些資料幫助提升閣下的體驗,以及就閣下可能感興趣的活動及推廣與閣下溝通。




Little Forest將按照條例下的保障資料原則實踐下列(a)至(f)項措施。




當收集個人資料時,Little Forest將信納:


收集資料的目的合法,並與Little Forest及/或機構的職能或活動有直接關係;



Little Forest向閣下收集個人資料之時或之前會以適當的形式及方法向閣下提供《收集個人資料聲明》,並將採取切實可行的步驟以確保:




如Little Forest擬使用已收集的個人資料於新目的,即首度收集個人資料時載於《收集個人資料聲明》的目的以外的任何目的,Little Forest將在使用該資料於新目的前取得資料當事人的事前同意。如資料當事人未滿18歲,我們只會在取得其父母或監護人的事前同意後才會將其個人資料用於新目的。




由Little Forest收集並維持的個人資料會是準確、完整及最新的,以用作原來目的所需。


Little Forest會維持一份個人資料目錄,其內容包括Little Forest保留的個人資料種類;收集、使用及披露各項個人資料的目的;和該些個人資料的儲存方式。個人資料目錄會定期審查,以確保個人資料為準確及最新。


Little Forest只會在為履行收集個人資料的目的(包括履行任何法律、會計或報告要求的目的)合理所需的時間內保留閣下的個人資料。為制定個人資料的適當保留期,我們會考慮個人資料的數量、性質及敏感性、處理閣下的個人資料的目的及是否能以其他方式達到該些目的、以及相關法律要求。如需保留個人資料用作統計目的,該個人資料將被匿名處理,從而無法識別個人身份。




所有收集的個人資料會在機構內共用及使用,並用作與履行Little Forest或機構的活動或職能有直接關係的目的。我們絕對不會向機構以外的機構出售或出租閣下的資料。我們可能會將閣下的個人資料轉移予我們的服務供應商(例如資訊科技承辦商、雲端服務提供者、活動代理及機密文件處置服務代理等),以便他們代表我們提供服務。我們亦可能會跟合辦活動的合作夥伴或提供商品及服務給閣下或處理閣下服務要求的服務供應商共用閣下的個人資料。在與任何第三方合作夥伴(例如第三方網上平台及社交媒體平台等)共用個人資料用作直接促銷目的之前,我們會事先徵求閣下的同意。個人資料亦可能被披露予其他獲許可接收該資料作執法、檢控或覆核裁定目的的機構、或在法律要求或允許披露的情況下。我們亦可能需要轉移閣下的個人資料至香港特別行政區境外作所需的處理及儲存。








Little Forest在未得到閣下的明確同意前不會使用閣下的個人資料或提供閣下的個人資料作直接促銷用途。直接促銷信息可能採取郵件、電子郵件、短信、針對性的網上廣告、通過我們的流動應用程式送出的通知、推送通知、即時通訊等形式。該些直接促銷信息可與Little Forest及/或機構的產品、活動、節目及服務有關 (包括第三方贊助或Little Forest及/或機構與第三方聯合舉辦的, 以及在機構內提供或進行的產品、活動、節目及服務)(以下統稱為「直接促銷信息」)。直接促銷信息的例子包括通訊、會員禮遇、商店/商品推廣、活動邀請、捐款邀請等。如Little Forest有意使用閣下的個人資料作直接促銷,Little Forest將在使用閣下的個人資料前取得閣下的明確同意,並在首次使用有關個人資料作直接促銷時通知閣下,如閣下作出要求,Little Forest須停止使用有關資料作直接促銷。直接促銷信息可由Little Forest、機構及/或第三方代表我們發出 (例如第三方網上平台及社交媒體平台)。如Little Forest有意將閣下的個人資料提供予其他第三方人士(例如我們的服務供應商或第三方合作夥伴)作該第三方人士的直接促銷之用,Little Forest會在事前以書面通知閣下Little Forest有意提供該些個人資料,而除非已取得閣下的明確同意,否則Little Forest將不會提供有關個人資料予其他第三方人士。閣下可在任何時間,透過下方(f)項所述途徑通知並要求Little Forest停止使用閣下的個人資料作直接促銷。




Little Forest會嚴格遵守相關的保安標準和規例。我們亦會定期審查保安措施,以確保個人資料受到保障,不會喪失及不受未獲准許的或意外的查閱、使用、披露、改動及刪除。採取的保安措施包括但不限於:










Little Forest的私隱政策和常規載於Little Forest的網站:https://www.littleforesthk.com/privacy-policy ,並會不定時更新。




Little Forest確認閣下有根據條例查閱和改正閣下個人資料的權利。閣下需要填妥由個人資料私隱專員公署指明的表格以要求查閱你的個人資料,該表格可從https://www.pcpd.org.hk/tc_chi/publications/files/Dformc.pdf 下載,然後通過以下任何一種途徑,提交已填妥的表格予Little Forest:










當處理查閱或改正資料的要求時,Little Forest將查核要求者的身分以確保他在法律上有權提出查閱或改正個人資料的要求。


Little Forest可能收取符合查閱資料要求的所需成本的費用。Little Forest會清楚告知要求者所須的費用。


Little Forest可在條例第20條指明的情況下拒絕查閱資料要求。


按照條例第27條的要求,Little Forest會備存一本紀錄簿,以記錄接收到的查閱或改正資料的要求。




當閣下瀏覽我們的平台時,cookies檔案將會儲存於閣下的電腦或設備的瀏覽器內。cookies不會收集可識別個人身分的資料。使用cookies 的目的是為了:






我們亦有使用第三方的cookies檔案如Google Analytics用作分析匿名數據以助我們理解訪客如何與我們的平台互動以及訪客流量及習慣,使我們能改善閣下的整體體驗。閣下可在 [https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en-GB] 選擇拒絕使用 Google Analytics。


除了cookies之外, 我們亦可能使用網絡信標(web beacons)及其他類似技術 (或與 cookies結合使用)。 網絡信標是透明的圖形圖像,可幫助我們確定閣下是否訪問了我們的內容。






我們也可能聘請第三方合作夥伴或服務供應商在我們的平台及第三方網站透過使用cookies及其他技術收集閣下的IP 地址及其他資料。收集到的資料將會幫助我們定制在我們的平台、第三方的網站及社交媒體平台上提供的內容、廣告、通知及其他信息。如閣下不希望在第三方網站及平台上收到該些內容、廣告、通知及其他信息, 閣下可更改你在第三方網站及平台上的瀏覽偏好。






Little Forest使用這些網站伺服器訪客紀錄以維持及改善我們的平台,例如判斷最佳網站解像度,或得知最多人瀏覽的網頁等。Little Forest只會用該些資料作提升及優化我們的平台的用途。所有用戶數據均是匿名。




請注意我們的平台可能會包含由第三方管理的網站連結。該第三方對於收集、使用或披露你的個人資料可能有不同的規則。當你登錄到他們的服務時,這些第三方網站可能會收集 cookies,而這些 cookies 可以對你作出身份識別。我們不控制這些cookies或這些第三方網站如何收集並處理閣下的個人資料。我們建議閣下在透露任何可識別個人身份或敏感資料之前先查看該些第三方網站的政策。我們不對該些其他網站的內容或關於私隱的措施及政策負責,並在任何情況下,就通過或經由我們的平台到訪的任何網站所進行或在該網站內進行的活動,我們亦不會承擔任何責任。




我們已就事故報告及處理資料外洩設立了機制,用於在有個人資料遺失或洩漏,或在有理由相信Little Forest或機構保存的個人資料被洩露時作出處理。




Little Forest會定期審查此私隱政策聲明及相關政策。負責處理個人資料的人員將參加相關的培訓課程,以確保他們熟習最新的個人資料政策。

















為了向閣下提供我們的服務及改善客戶體驗,Little Forest Limited(「Little Forest」或「我們」)將收集閣下的個人資料。我們與伙伴機構於下文統稱為「機構」。請注意,閣下必須在帶有星號的位置提供個人資料。若閣下不提供該些個人資料,我們可能無法為閣下提供某些信息、資料及/或閣下所要求的服務。











通過閣下感興趣的節目及推廣以提升閣下於Little Forest及機構的體驗;


管理Little Forest及機構內的客戶關係;

根據閣下的興趣喜好,在有關支持Little Forest的途徑上與閣下作適當溝通;


根據閣下的習慣、體驗、興趣及喜好, 在我們的網站、流動應用程式、社交媒體平台及其他平台 (該些網站、流動應用程式及平台於下文統稱為「我們的平台」)上定制及發送內容、廣告、通知及其他信息;




我們可能會從不同渠道收集及綜合/處理閣下的資料,例如線上渠道(網站、流動應用程式、社交媒體平台等) 、離線渠道(申請表格等) 、 或有關閣下的公開資料。我們會用這些資料幫助提升閣下的體驗,以及就閣下可能感興趣的活動及推廣與閣下溝通。




機構內會使用及共用所有收集到的個人資料作以上列出的目的。我們絕對不會向機構以外的機構出售或出租閣下的資料。我們可能會將閣下的個人資料轉移予我們的服務供應商(例如資訊科技承辦商、雲端服務提供者、活動代理及機密文件處置服務代理等),以便他們代表我們提供服務。我們亦可能會跟合辦活動的合作夥伴或提供商品及服務給閣下或處理閣下服務要求的服務供應商共用閣下的個人資料。我們也可能需要轉移閣下的個人資料至香港特別行政區境外作所需的處理及儲存。在與任何第三方合作夥伴(例如第三方網上平台及社交媒體平台等)共用個人資料用作直接促銷目的之前,我們會事先徵求閣下的同意。我們要求所有服務供應商尊重閣下個人資料的保安,以及遵守《個人資料 ( 私隱 ) 條例》 ( 香港特別行政區法例第 486 章 ) (「條例」)及其他適用的個人資料相關法例。我們不允許我們的服務供應商出於其本身的目的使用閣下的個人資料,並只會允許他們為特定的目的及根據我們的指示處理閣下的個人資料。




閣下有權要求查閱及改正Little Forest持有關於你的個人資料。該要求應以書面形式透過電郵 (enquiry@littleforesthk.com)或郵寄/親身至「沙田石門匯貿中心1001室」向「資料保障主任」提交。就我們的私隱政策詳情, 閣下可以通過https://www.littleforesthk.com/privacy-policy參考我們的私隱政策聲明。




我們有意使用閣下的個人資料及/或與機構及我們的合作夥伴(包括第三方網上平台及社交媒體平台)共用閣下的個人資料作直接促銷用途,但除非我們得到閣下同意(包括表示不反對該使用及/或共用),否則我們不會如此使用及/或共用閣下的個人資料。直接促銷信息可能採取郵件、電子郵件、短信、針對性的網上廣告、通過我們的流動應用程式送出的通知、推送通知、即時通訊等形式。該些直接促銷信息可與Little Forest及/或機構的產品、活動、節目及服務有關 (包括第三方贊助或Little Forest及/或機構與第三方聯合舉辦的, 以及在機構內提供或進行的產品、活動、節目及服務)(「直接促銷信息」)。直接促銷信息的例子包括通訊、會員禮遇、商店/商品推廣、活動邀請、捐款邀請等。這些直接促銷信息可由Little Forest, 機構及/或第三方代表我們發出(例如第三方網上平台及社交媒體平台)。在收集閣下的個人資料時,請閣下在相關的線上或線下表格中表明閣下同意或不反對該使用及/或共用。







如果閣下不希望收到有關籌款活動的信息(包括捐款推廣或Little Forest及/或機構的慈善或非牟利活動的捐款),你可以免費隨時選擇拒收籌款活動信息,只需將你的指示電郵到:enquiry@littleforesthk.com







Privacy Policy Statement

Statement of Policy


Little Forest Limited (“Little Forest” or “We”), respects personal data privacy. We, together with Little Forest Limited’s other group companies including our partnership organization, are collectively referred to as the “Group”. We will comply with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486 of the laws of Hong Kong SAR) (the “Ordinance”) and are committed to fully implementing the data protection principles promulgated under the Ordinance.


Statement of Practices


Information We Collect


From time to time, we may collect various types of personal information (“personal information” or “personal data”) (such as email address, name, and contact number) from you in connection with our provision of services, activities, and facilities, including but not limited to account registration, ticketing transaction, e-newsletter subscription, event registration, membership, Wi-Fi usage, payment, following up on enquiries, conducting customer surveys, advertising, venue booking, fundraising campaigns, job application and/or employment-related issues, and contractor management, etc.


We do not actively collect personal data of minors under the age of 18 but we may collect their personal data while they use our services or register for our activities and events. Minors must have obtained consent from their parents or guardians before providing personal data to us.


Main Purpose of Collecting Personal Data


The main purposes of collecting your personal data are as follows:


for processing your service requests (i.e. event registration, ticket purchase, e-newsletter subscription, product purchase, Wi-Fi usage, account registration, member registration, venue booking, and donation, etc.) with us and providing you with our services;

for administering your membership account and maintaining your records;

for facilitating communications between you and us;

for notifying you of changes to our services that may affect you;

for responding to and following up on your enquiries;

for enhancing your experience of Little Forest and the Group with programmes and offerings that are of interest;

for direct marketing upon obtaining explicit consent from you;

for managing customer relationships within Little Forest and the Group;

for communicating with you for potential support to Little Forest that is relevant to your interests and appropriate;

for conducting and facilitating promotional activities, events, lucky draws or prize redemption;

for customising and sending contents, advertisements, notifications and other information on our websites, mobile applications, social media platforms and other platforms (“platforms”) based on your habits, experience, interests and preferences;

for administering, maintaining and improving our platforms;

for conducting statistical analysis, research, surveys, quality assurance, behavioural analysis and review;

for processing your job application and/or employment-related issues;

for executing the service contracts between you and us; and

for other purposes directly relating to any of the above.

We may collect and combine/process information from you (except for Purposes 14 and 15) through various channels, such as online channels (e.g. websites, mobile applications, social media platforms), offline channels (e.g. physical application forms), or publicly available information about you. We use this information to help improve your experience and communicate with you about events or offerings that may be of interest.


Implementation of Practices


Little Forest will implement the practices at (a) to (f) below in accordance with the data protection principles in the Ordinance.


(a) Collection of personal data


When collecting personal data, Little Forest will satisfy itself that:


the purposes for which the data is collected are lawful and directly related to a function or activity of Little Forest and/or the Group;

the manner of collection is lawful and fair in the circumstances; and

the personal data collected is necessary but not excessive for the purpose(s) for which it is collected.

When Little Forest collects personal data from you, you will be provided with a Personal Information Collection Statement (“PICS”) on or before the collection in an appropriate format and manner. Practicable steps will be taken to ensure that:


you are informed of whether it is obligatory or voluntary to supply the data and, if obligatory, the consequences in failing to do so; and

you are explicitly informed of the purpose(s) for which the personal data is to be used, the classes of persons to whom the data may be transferred or disclosed, your right to request access to and correction of the data, and the contact details of the officer to whom any such request may be made.

If Little Forest intends to use the personal data collected for a new purpose, other than the purpose of first collection as stated in the PICS, Little Forest will obtain prior consent from the data subject before the usage. If the data subject is under the age of 18, we will only use the personal data for a new purpose after we obtained prior consent from the parent or guardian of the data subject.


(b) Accuracy and retention of personal data


Personal data collected and maintained by Little Forest will be as accurate, complete, and up-to-date as is necessary for the purpose(s) for which it is to be used.


Little Forest maintains a personal data inventory, which contains the kinds of personal data that Little Forest holds, the purposes for which the personal data is collected, used and disclosed, and how the personal data is stored. The personal data inventory will be reviewed periodically to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date.


Little Forest will only retain your personal data for as long as is reasonably necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements. To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we will consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements. Should there be a need to retain personal data for statistical purposes, such personal data will be anonymised so that the individuals concerned can no longer be identified.


(c) Use of personal data


All personal data collected will be used by and shared among the Group for purposes which are directly related to the discharge of Little Forest’s or the Group’s activities or functions. We will never sell or rent your information with any other organisation outside the Group. We may transfer your personal information to our service providers such as IT contractors, cloud service providers, event agents and confidential documents disposal service agents, etc., in order for them to perform services on our behalf. We may also share your personal data with partners or service providers that are involved in co-organising events with us or providing goods and services to you or fulfilling your requests. We will ask for your consent before sharing personal information with any third party partners for direct marketing purposes such as external online platforms and social media platforms, etc. Personal data may also be disclosed to other entities which are authorised to receive such information for law enforcement, prosecution or review of decisions purposes, or otherwise as required or permitted by law. We may also need to transfer your personal data outside of Hong Kong for necessary handling, processing or storage.


You will be informed of the transferees of personal data when your personal data is collected. We require all transferees to respect the security of your personal data and comply with the Ordinance and other applicable personal data laws. We do not allow our transferees to use your personal data for their own purposes and only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.


If personal data is to be used for a purpose other than the purposes for which the data is collected, prior consent will be sought from you where practicable. In seeking the consent, all practicable steps will be taken to ensure that:


information provided to you is clearly understandable and readable; and

you are informed that you are entitled to withhold your consent or withdraw your consent subsequently by giving notice in writing.

Little Forest will not use personal data or provide personal data for use in direct marketing without your explicit consent. Such direct marketing communications may take the form of mails, emails, SMSs, targeted online advertisements, notifications via our mobile applications, push notifications, instant messaging, etc. Such direct marketing communications may relate to products, activities, events and services of Little Forest and/or the Group, including those sponsored by or jointly organised by Little Forest and/or the Group with third parties, and those on offer or taking place at the Little Forest (“Marketing Communications”). Examples of these Marketing Communications include newsletters, membership benefits, shop/merchandise promotions, event invitations, invitations to donations, etc. If Little Forest intends to use your personal data for direct marketing, Little Forest will obtain explicit consent from you before using your personal data and will notify you when using personal data for direct marketing for the first time that you have a right to request Little Forest to cease using the data for direct marketing if you so require. These Marketing Communications may be sent by Little Forest, the Group and/or an external party on our behalf (e.g. external online platforms and social media platforms). If Little Forest intends to provide your personal data to an external party (e.g. our service providers or third party partners) for use by that other person for their direct marketing purposes, Little Forest will inform you in writing in advance that Little Forest intends to provide the personal data and will not provide the personal data unless it has received your explicit consent. You may, at any time, require Little Forest to cease using your personal data in direct marketing by informing Little Forest through the channels as stated in practice (f) below.


(d) Security of personal data


Little Forest observes strictly the relevant security standards and regulations. Security arrangements will be reviewed regularly to ensure that personal data is protected against loss and unauthorised or accidental access, use, disclosure, modification and erasure. The security arrangements include, without limitation, the following:


restriction of access to personal data on a ‘need-to-know’ basis;

regular review and enhancement of security measures for protection of personal data in the servers, user computers, or transmission of electronic messages;

regular change of passwords for IT facilities, or accounting and personnel systems;

encryption of all backup tapes that are to be transported to offsite storage;

limited staff access rights to office areas storing confidential information; and

provision of clear guidelines to staff as to the types of data that may or may not be disclosed to an enquirer and implementation of appropriate identity verification procedures to confirm the enquirer’s identity.

(e) Transparency of the personal data policy and practices


Little Forest’s privacy policy and practices can be found on Little Forest’s website: https://www.littleforesthk.com/privacy-policy as may be updated from time to time.


(f) Access to and correction of personal data


Little Forest recognises your rights of access to and correction of your personal data in accordance with the Ordinance. To make a data access request, you should complete the form specified by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, which is available at https://www.pcpd.org.hk/english/publications/files/Dforme.pdf, and submit the completed form to Little Forest in any one of the following ways —


By email / post / in person:


Attn. Data Protection Office


by email at enquiry@littleforesthk.com;




by post or in person to:


Unit 1001, New Commerce Centre, Shek Mun, Shatin, Hong Kong.


When handling a data access or correction request, Little Forest will check the identity of the requester to ensure that the requester is the person legally entitled to make the data access or correction request.


Little Forest may impose a fee for the necessary cost of complying with a data access request. Little Forest will clearly inform the requester the amount to be charged.


Little Forest may refuse a data access request in the circumstances specified in Section 20 of the Ordinance.


Little Forest maintains a logbook recording the data access or correction requests received as required under Section 27 of the Ordinance.


Use of Cookies


When you browse our platforms, cookies will be stored in the browser of your computer or device. Cookies do not collect any personally identifiable information. The purposes of using cookies are to:


remember your browsing preferences (e.g. language, browsing font size) you have chosen on our platforms to customise your experience;

personalise your user experience and/or maintain your identity across multiple webpages and/or internet sessions;

analyse how our platforms are used and compile anonymised data and aggregate statistics; and

improve the use and the functionality of our platforms.

We also use third party cookies such as Google Analytics to analyse anonymised data to help us understand how our audiences interact with our platforms and visitor traffic and habits, so that we can improve your overall experience. You may disable the use of Google Analytics by opting out via [https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en-GB].


We may also use web beacons and other similar technologies in addition to, or in combination with, cookies. Web beacons are transparent graphic images that help us to determine whether you have accessed our contents.


You have a choice not to accept cookies, however this may affect certain functionalities of our platforms.


Targeted/Behavioural Advertising


We may also engage third party partners or service providers to collect IP addresses and other information through the use of cookies and other technologies on our platforms and third party websites. The information collected will be used to help us customise our contents, advertisements, notifications and other information provided on our platforms, external websites and social media platforms. If you do not wish to receive those contents, advertisements, notifications and other information on third party websites and platforms, you may change your browsing preferences on those third party websites and platforms.


Website Statistics


When you visit our platforms, we will record your visit only as a ‘hit’. The webserver makes a record of your visit that includes your IP addresses (and domain names), the types and configurations of browsers, language settings, operating systems, previous sites visited, and time/duration and the pages visited (collectively, “webserver access log”).


Little Forest uses the webserver access log for the purpose of maintaining and improving our platforms such as to determine the optimal screen resolution, or which pages have been most frequently visited. Little Forest uses such data only for the enhancement and optimisation of our platforms. User data is all anonymous.


Linking with Third Parties


Please be aware that our platforms may contain links to other sites hosted by third parties. Different rules may apply to their collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information. These third party sites may collect cookies which can identify you as an individual when you are logged in to their services. We do not control these cookies or how these sites collect and handle your personal data. We encourage you to review such third party websites’ policies before revealing any personally identifiable or sensitive information. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices and policies of such other sites and under no circumstances shall we have any liability whatsoever for the activities conducted by or at any website accessed from or through our platforms.


Incident Reporting and Breach Handling


A mechanism is set up for incident reporting and breach handling in case there is a loss or leakage of personal data, or there is a reason to believe that the personal data held by Little Forest or the Group has been compromised.


Ongoing Monitoring and Review


Little Forest will keep this Privacy Policy Statement and relevant policies under regular review. Officers responsible for handling personal data will attend relevant training courses to keep themselves updated of the latest personal data policies.




Any enquiries regarding personal data privacy policy and practice may be addressed to the Data Protection Office at the above correspondence address or via email at enquiry@littleforesthk.com.




Words used herein which import the singular only also include the plural and vice versa where the context so admits.


Words used herein which import one gender (whether masculine, feminine or neuter) shall be taken to include any other gender where the context so admits.


Chinese version of this Statement is for reference only. In the event of any discrepancies or inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of this Statement, the English version shall apply and prevail.


Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS)

Collection of your personal data


Little Forest Limited (“Little Forest” or “we”), collects your personal data to provide our services to you and to improve customer experience. We, together with Little Forest’s other group companies including partnership organization, are collectively referred to as the “Group”. Please note that it is mandatory for you to provide personal data marked with asterisks. In the event that you do not provide such personal data, we may not be able to provide you with certain information, materials and/or your requested services.


We will use your personal data for one or more of the following purposes:


for processing your service requests (i.e. event registration, ticket purchase, e-newsletter subscription, product purchase, Wi-Fi usage, account registration, member registration, venue booking, and donation, etc.) with us and providing you with our services;

for administering your membership account and maintaining your records;

for facilitating communications between you and us;

for notifying you of changes to our services that may affect you;

for responding to and following up on your enquiries;

for enhancing your experience of Little Forest and the Group with programmes and offerings that are of interest;

for direct marketing upon obtaining explicit consent from you;

for managing customer relationships within Little Forest and the Group;

for communicating with you for potential support to Little Forest that is relevant to your interests and appropriate;

for conducting and facilitating promotional activities, events, lucky draws or prize redemption;

for customising and sending contents, advertisements, notifications and other information on our websites, mobile applications, social media platforms and other platforms (“platforms”) based on your habits, experience, interests and preferences;

for administering, maintaining and improving our platforms;

for conducting statistical analysis, research, surveys, quality assurance, behavioural analysis and review; and

for other purposes directly relating to any of the above.

We may collect and combine/process information from you through various channels, such as online channels (e.g. websites, mobile applications, social media platforms), offline channels (e.g.  physical application forms), or publicly available information about you. We use this information to help improve your experience and communicate with you about events and offerings that may be of interest.


Use of personal data


The personal data collected will be used by and shared among the Group for purposes as stated above. We will never sell or rent your information with any other organisation outside the Group. We may transfer your personal information to our service providers such as IT contractors, cloud service providers, event agents and confidential documents disposal service agents, etc. in order for them to perform services on our behalf. We may also share your personal data with partners or service providers that are involved in co-organising events with us or providing goods and services to you or fulfilling your requests and may also transfer your personal data outside of Hong Kong for necessary handling, processing or storage. We will ask for your consent before sharing personal information with any third party partners for direct marketing purposes such as online platforms and social media platforms, etc. We require all service providers to respect the security of your personal data and comply with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486 of the laws of Hong Kong SAR) (the “Ordinance”) and other applicable personal data laws. We do not allow our service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes and only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.


Data access and correction requests


You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data held by Little Forest. Such request should be made in writing to the Data Protection Officer at enquiry@littleforesthk.com or by post to the address: Unit 1001, New Commerce Centre, Shek Mun, Shatin, Hong Kong. For details of our privacy policy, you may refer to the Privacy Policy.


Data access and correction requests


You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data held by Little Forest. Such request should be made in writing to the Data Protection Officer at enquiry@littleforesthk.com or by post/in person to the address: Unit 1001, New Commerce Centre, Shek Mun, Shatin, Hong Kong. For details of our privacy policy, you may refer to the Privacy Policy Statement at https://www.littleforesthk.com/privacy-policy.


Use of data in direct marketing


We intend to use your personal data and/or share your personal data within the Group and with our partners including external online platforms and social media platforms for use in direct marketing, and we may not so use and/or share your personal data unless we have received your consent (which includes an indication of no objection to the intended use and/or sharing). Such direct marketing communications may take the form of mails, emails, SMSs, targeted online advertisements, notifications via our mobile applications, push notifications, instant messaging, etc. Such direct marketing communications may relate to products, activities, events and services of Little Forest and/or the Group, including those sponsored by or jointly organised by Little Forest and/or the Group with third parties, and those on offer or taking place at the Little Forest (“Marketing Communications”). Examples of these Marketing Communications include newsletters, membership benefits, shop/merchandise promotions, event invitations, invitations to donations, etc. These Marketing Communications may be sent by Little Forest, the Group and/or an external party on our behalf (e.g. external online platforms and social media platforms). Please indicate your consent or no objection for such use and/or sharing in the relevant online or offline forms at the time of collection of your information.


If you do not wish to receive the aforementioned Marketing Communications, you may choose to opt-out from direct marketing at any time, free of charge, by:


clicking the ‘Unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of our emails;

emailing us at enquiry@littleforesthk.com; or

contacting our Data Protection Officer by post to ‘Unit 1001, New Commerce Centre, Shek Mun, Shatin, Hong Kong’.

If you do not wish to receive information particularly in relation to fundraising activities (including promotion of donations or contributions for charitable or non-profit making events of Little Forest and/or the Group), you may choose to opt-out from fundraising activities at any time, free of charge, by emailing us at enquiry@littleforesthk.com



Language versions


In case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions of this Statement, the English version shall apply and prevail.

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